Back in the day, these planes were called "looking glass"Here’s an inside look at the US military’s ‘doomsday plane’ — which can endure the aftermath of a nuke blast ABOARD A US MILITARY...
Dr. Putin or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the TorpedoThe Truth Behind Russia’s 'Apocalypse Torpedo' Poseidon is Putin’s showpiece. First revealed in 2015, this nuclear-powered underwater...
Pakistan... more like NukeistanThis Might Be Where the Very First Total Nuclear War Starts Undoubtedly, for nearly two decades the most dangerous place on Earth has...
Wait... they put the French and not the Canadians?US Firm Issues Souvenir Coin in Honour of WWII Victory... With no USSR on It Apparently, the Soviet Union, whose soldiers hoisted a red...
Huh...yeah, I've always wanted to know how they did thatHere's how World War I fighter planes fired through their propeller blades without hitting them There was a lot of new technology brought...
Has NATO been productive in its post-war years?If NATO Expansion Was a Mistake, Why Hasn’t Putin Invaded? The 20th anniversary of a landmark U.S. foreign policy initiative has slipped...
Russian Newspaper accuses NATO of being obsolete...A world aching for peace & stability can no longer afford NATO NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg calling for an end to the fighting...
Good promises make bad policiesMexico Declares Victory Over Fuel Thieves. But Is It Lasting? IRAPUATO, Mexico — Soon after taking office in December, President Andrés...
Mexican National Secirity and Intelligence under AMLOFinally!!!! a new episode is up... its been a long time, i know. but its been a crazy semester. its almost over so i should be getting...
Maduro goes on a walk with all his bodyguards, that he totally doesn't needVenezuela crisis: Defiant Maduro appears with soldiers Mr Maduro called on the armed forces to defeat "any coup plotter", following two...